Thursday, August 31, 2006


Hi everybody this is the center of my blog, the part I will use when I’m home, or to announce updates across the board as well as hosting tutorials (primarily hints for study abroad that aren’t applicable to only Ireland/Japan).
The blogs are primarily a way to communicate with my family while I’m in Ireland and Japan, but anyone who’s is interested can read them and leave comments. I’m also available through email, although I don’t have as much internet access here as I do at home, so it only gets checked about once a day.
If you really need to get in touch with me, my mom has my phone number here, and I do get free incoming calls. She also has my address in case anybody needs that.
Since I’m currently in Ireland you can feel free to move straight on to that, the slide show on this page is just pictures of OSU, and Stillwater stuff.

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